Friday, January 18, 2008

New Music Friday! >> 01/18/2008

Words >>

Hey guys! another week gone. Another weekend ahead! Frankly, this has been kind of a bad week for new stuff, but I did find a few little gems for y'all. Hope ya like em...

Bonnie "Prince" Billy - The World's Greatest (R. Kelly Cover) >>
I nearly wet myself when I heard this. It's Bonnie "Prince" Billy doing a country-ish rendition of R. Kelly's "The Worlds Greatest". Its actually suprisingly effective: His modest styling completely changes the meaning of the lyrics from a meglomaniacal brag to a wryly sarchastic ballad. Kind of genius, really.

The Savings And Loan - Swallows >>

This guy's voice really captured me. I'm not in love with it yet, but I like it and I want to hear more.

P.J. Harvey - Down By The Water >>

Polly Jean Harvey has always been one of my favorite songwriters. We saw her at the Riviera in Chicago a few years ago and I swear to you the show was so powerful that it helped precipitate my breakup with my ex-wife. That sounds like an odd endorsement, but for me, its a symbol of how fucking awesome she is. This song in particular sticks out to me for two reasons: 1) I heard it on the radio when it first came out and I didn't believe it was her. The whole album actually represents a departure and a growth spurt for her as a musician. It's kind of her "Paul's Botique" 2) Its the single and psychic battle flag for "To Bring You My Love", which is in my opinion her greatest and most cohesive album.

Vervein - Good Luck Charm >>

I saw these guys open for Citizens Here And Abroad at Slims in SF a few years back. This was also the night when I met the Germans, the Luxury Tax and Burbank International for the first time. It was a good night and an awesome show. This song is my favorite of theirs. I love the laid back sweetness in the singer's voice and the build is impeccable. Their lyrics are awesome too: I love the idea that a good luck charm could become a collar or an albatross.

That's all I got for this week, kiddos. Hopefully I should have more time to find stuff next week, and hopefully, there will be more good stuff to fund. Cheers!

Raise The Black Flag

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